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Taskbar Icon

Taskbar Menu Options

The Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility status icon displays on the Taskbar located in the lower right corner of your Windows desktop. This icon looks like this:

Right-click the status icon to display the menu options.

If the WiFi connection utility is managing your WiFi connections, then the following menu options appear.

Name Description

Configure WiFi

Click to open the Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility and configure your WiFi connections.

WiFi On

Click to turn on the Intel WiFi adapter. The adapter will conduct a search for networks and may connect to a specific network, depending on the application settings.

WiFi On, 802.11a Off

This optional menu item may be present, depending on the computer manufacturer and whether the WiFi adapter supports band 802.11a or not. If present, this lets you turn on the WiFi radio (band b or g), but turn off the 802.11a band. See Turn Radio On or Off for more information.

WiFi Off

Click to turn off the Intel WiFi adapter. If you are currently connected to a WiFi network and you click WiFi Off, your WiFi network connection will be closed.

Connect to Profile

Displays the current profiles in the Profiles list. Click on a profile to connect to it.

WiFi On

Click to turn on the Intel WiFi adapter. The adapter will conduct a search for networks and may connect to a specific network, depending on the application settings.

WiFi Off

Click to turn off the Intel WiFi adapter. If you are currently connected to a WiFi network and you click WiFi Off, your WiFi network connection will be closed.

Connect to Profile

Displays the current profiles in the Profiles list. Click on a profile to connect to it.

Enable WiFi Control

Click to assign management of your WiFi connections to the WiFi connection utility. Wireless Zero Configuration manager will no longer manage your connections. If you want to assign management of your WiFi connections back to Wireless Zero Configuration manager, open the Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software , and under the Advanced menu, click Use Windows to Manage WiFi.

Taskbar Icons

The Taskbar icon provides visual indication of the current WiFi connection state. The connection status icon is located on the lower right corner of your Windows desktop. The Taskbar icon can be set to display or be hidden in the Tools Menu Application Settings.

Name Description
disable radio

WiFi Off: The WiFi adapter currently is off. The WiFi adapter does not transmit or receive while it is off. Click WiFi On to enable the adapter. The icon is white and static.

disable radio

Searching for WiFi networks: The WiFi adapter searches for any available WiFi networks. The icon is white with animation.

disable radio

No WiFi networks found: There are no available WiFi networks found. Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility periodically scans for available networks. If you want to force a scan, double-click the icon to launch Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Connection Utility and click Refresh. The icon is red.

disable radio

WiFi networks found: An available WiFi network is found. Double-click the icon to display the WiFi Networks list. Select the network. Click Connect. The icon is yellow.

disable radio

Authentication failed: Unable to authenticate with WiFi network. The icon is green with a yellow warning triangle.

disable radio

Connecting to a WiFi network: Flashes while an IP address is being obtained or if an error occurs.

disable radio

Connected to a WiFi network: Connected to a WiFi network. Tool tip displays network name, speed, signal quality and IP address. The icon is green with waves that reflect signal quality. The more waves, the better the signal quality.

Tool Tips and Desktop Alerts

The Tool Tips and Desktop Alerts provide feedback and interaction. To display Tool Tips, move your mouse pointer over the icon. Desktop alerts are displayed when your WiFi network changes state. For example, if you are out of range of any WiFi networks, a desktop alert is displayed when you come into range.

Select Show Information Notifications in the Application Settings to enable desktop alerts.

Tool Tips

Tool tips display when the mouse pointer rolls over the icon. The tool tips display text for each of the connection states.

tool tips

Desktop Alerts

When user action is required, a desktop alert displays. If you click the alert, then an appropriate action is taken. For example when WiFi networks are found, the following alert displays:

wireless networks found

Action: Click the desktop alert to connect to a network in the WiFi Networks list.

Once connected, the alert displays the WiFi network that you are connected to, the speed of the connection, signal quality and IP address.

connection alert

Desktop alerts are also used to indicate if there is a connection problem. Click the alert to open the Intel® Wireless Troubleshooter.

connection problem

Start Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software from Taskbar

To start Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software:

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