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LEAP Profile Mapping

SSO Administration Profiles using LEAP authentication are mapped to Windows* XP, Windows Vista*, and Windows* 7 clients as follows.

Credentials Client OS Persistent Profile Pre-login/Common Profile (PLC) Persistent and Pre-logon/Common

Saved credentials
(Use the following)

Windows* XP

After log-off and after reboot: Uses saved credentials.

During PLC and while logged on: Uses saved credentials.

During PLC, while logged on, and after log-off and after reboot: Uses saved credentials.

Windows Vista* and Windows* 7

IT package profile does not get applied to client.

During PLC and while logged on: Uses saved credentials.

During PLC and while logged on: Uses saved credentials.

After log-off and after reboot: Uses machine credentials.

Prompt each time I connect

Windows* XP

Not supported.

During PLC and while logged on: Prompts for credentials.

Not supported.

Windows Vista* and Windows* 7

Not supported.

During PLC and while logged on: Prompts for credentials.

Not supported.

Use Windows* Logon

Windows* XP

Not supported.

During PLC and while logged on: Uses Windows* XP credentials.

Not supported.

Windows Vista* and Windows* 7

Not supported.

During PLC and while logged on: Uses Windows* credentials.

Not supported.

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